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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  May 22, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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so i take garlique to help maintain healthy cholesterol safely and naturally. and it's odor free. i'm taking charge of my cholesterol with garlique. >> what kind of wouldn't give to you give a couple who has everything? well, you will have to find out because a source tells cnn the billionaire jeff bezos is engaged to his longtime partner philanthropist and journalist lauren sanchez. the couple went public with the relationship back in 2019 and he's the billionaire owner of amazon. he was previously married to mackenzie scott. so there's no word yet on when bezos and sanchez will tie the knot. but best of luck to the happy couple. and thank you for joining us, cnn tonight with alison camerota is starting right now. alison, hi. >> hi, ali. i'm thinking a nice greeting card. i mean -- >> i think that's what you can do, basically.
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>> i think it's the thought that counts. thank you very much, abby. great to see you, good evening everyone. i'm alison camerota. welcome to cnn tonight. new legal trouble for donald trump, e. jean carroll seeking more damage is in the form of more money, above and beyond the first $5 million. because of what donald trump said in the cnn tell-all. and then there's the case of all the classified documents found at mar-a-lago. apparently donald trump's attorney took highly detailed notes about them. notes that are now in the hands of the special counsel. our panel dives into what those reveal. plus, senator tim scott wants to be president. will he break what donald trump? or will trump tried to make scott's running mate? and this image exploded on twitter this morning. it sent shock waves through the stock market. but it's fake. there was no explosion near the pentagon. the real world danger of artificial intelligence is not just a worry, it's already here. let's begin with new legal
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trouble for donald trump. e. jean carroll's attorney today added the statement to the complaint, quote, trump, undeterred by the jury's verdict, persisted in maliciously defaming carroll yet again. she was talking about this moment in the cnn town hall. >> mister president -- >> can i square -- never do. i have no idea who this woman is. this is a fake story. made-up story. i have no idea who -- she is a whack job. >> mister president! >> let me bring our panel. we have a man who knows about presidents and legal trouble, jon sale, who was an assistant -- prosecutor. we also have john miller, former republican senate candidate joe pigment, and reporter sarah ellison of the washington post. also with us as cnn's sara murray. sarah murray, let me start with you. so, this is but e. jean carroll threatened to do after the cnn tell-all. and today, she did it. >> that's right, she and her attorneys are saying she
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deserves very substantial punitive damages and as you pointed out, we already went to trial as part of a civil case. she was awarded $5 million when the jury found that donald trump sexually abused and defamed her. but there was this other defamation suit that is sort of been caught in a legal long jam, so she will ask dubbed if she can amend the original complaint and seek additional damages. she pointed out as you said that trump was undeterred by the verdict and the last civil case that he still maliciously defaming her, and she pointed to moments in that town hall like when he says i never saw this woman, even though of course he'd seen a photo of them together. he said it's a fake, made-up story and calls for a whack job to say he's continuing to defame her. >> sarah, what is going to happen next? if the judge allows this amendment to go through, what does this mean? >> this is another procedural step in a case that has been more delay than what we saw on the other defamation case because her original --
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ship rigidly took issue with statements when donald trump was president, and that has sent off a raft of appeals. this is another step in the legal process. there are other legal issues that they need to square out when it comes to this particular defamation. >> sarah murray, thank you very much. standby. we have more questions for, you i will bring in sarah ellison. it is basically what the argument is, e. jean's lawyer is making, is that donald trump needs to be deterred from reckless top. so $5 million didn't deter him from publicly defaming e. jean, i guess they will go back to the -- right? then >> exactly. you have to remember that 3 million of those 5 million or four defamation. two for sexual abuse. more of the damages were actually for defamation, the first time around, it did not deter him at all. we can bring lawyers later, but thank goodness for the legal system because we are no longer in a moment where donald trump says what he wants and there is no repercussion.
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the legal system has caught up with him. e. jean carroll's herself deterred and he obviously was goading the process even further. by doubling down what she did in the tell-all. everyone -- somewhere terrified. some people were watching on a different level and saying that it's a bonanza for prosecutors and other people watching donald trump. sort of, have a enough rope to hang himself with. >> let's turn to our lawyer, john, is that how you see it? >> with all due respect e. jean carroll, this is the least of former president trump's problems. i think it's a question of control. and he wants to control the narrative. and he sort of calls of kings like a whack job, which is outrageous, but the manhattan d.a.'s case, he was able to be ahead of the curve. to control public relations, put out false stories. it's not gonna happen with jack rights cases. the walls are gonna close in on
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him. let me tell, you it is not fun to be indicted. >> when you say this is the least of his problems, what's the biggest of donald trump's legal problems? >> the biggest problem is the documents case. beuse ultimately, the attorney general who has to decide whether or not to pull out an indictment. when you -- this is a big, big deal. and public relations -- public opinion does matter. people are going to say, hey, biden did it. the documents, pence did it. but the obstruction is different and the obstruction i think is what is going to take him down. it's hard to believe that i'm sitting here and we're talking about the former president of the united states, the likely candidate of the republican party, who is going to maybe run under two or three indictments. is this real? are we really talking about this? >> i think it is. yes. let me be the first to break it, you the abysses reality. what's happening. john, how do you see it? >> i am still older of the minority to be charged in the documents case because you have
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the biden documents problem, not just presidential documents, going back to the senate, and you have the pence problem. you have other people, other offices -- >> doesn't the obstruction element make a difference? >> it should. and maybe it does. but merrick garland has a philosophy on, you can't charge resisting arrest without charge him with the arrest was for. you have trouble charging and insularity crime, of obstruction of justice if you're not charging the original crime which is the documents. and if you're charging the professional crime, why aren't you charging anyone else with the original crime? i say that in the context that there are other things that that special prosecutor has on his plate and other prosecutors that are less complex. >> before we go too far down the road, let's bring back sara murray on this because we have new reporting on this. including the documents that trump's own attorney has somehow, these documents have
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ended up in the hands of special counsel week. >> these are interesting because there are notes taken by trump attorney evan corporate, another critical point in donald trump has received this subpoena in may of 2022. the government is saying you have to give us back any documents saka classified markings. sources are telling us that donald trump goes to his attorney general and says, is there any way we can push back on this? essentially, what kind of recourse do we have here. and this is memorialized in his notes that we -- took at the time. people can look at this and say, look, this is the former president speaking to his attorney. trying to figure out what his options are and moving forward. but obviously, we've seen donald trump offer a number of shifting explanations for why he kept and retain these documents for so long. he said in that cnn town hall that you have the absolute right to keep them. and prosecutors are looking for potential obstruction case, and because of, this they have dozens of pages of these notes from eric corcoran, it
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moralizing his conversations with the former president. >> sorry, is under attorney client privilege? isn't this simply donald trump speaking to his attorney? >> there is attorney-client privilege, but what happened here is there was this court five, a sealed court, fight behind closed doors, in which prosecutors said look, we need access to these notes. and convinced a judge that there is sufficient evidence that donald trump used his attorney in furtherance of a crime to sort of allow you to pierce the attorney-client privilege shield. that's why we saw evan corcoran having to head over the notes, and they have significant productions in them. and also to speak to prosecutors. so prosecutors were able to convince at least the judge that there was enough there. again, we don't know if all the evidence they got, of what they got from these notes backs up the theory, backs up what they were able to put in front of the judge to get her to grant them access to all of this. we will have to wait and see. >> sarah, standby if you will. joe? how do you see all of this? >> well, look, there are
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clearly brilliant legal minds at the table who can help you deal with the illegal minute shove this. i just think that what we're dealing with these issues, there's clearly more than just the letter of the law. it's also the spirit of the law, and as it relates to public opinion. i tend to agree with you that the documents cases booby traps. it's booby trapped because of the issues that are presented to president biden, not just when he was the vice president, but also when he was -- >> you don't draw a distinction between the obstruction? just because -- had documents? >> i don't think we should be pooh-poohing obstruction of justice. certainly not from the individual who occupied the oval office. let me just begin there. but i do want to say that if you're going to have a conversation about how these things proceed, it is going to be a very difficult day within the legal corridors. if we end up in a situation where, by virtue of piercing client privilege for the president of the united states, they are able to bring a case against him. at that point, no one is safe. so i just think that we should tread lightly here.
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yes, we should be vigorous in our pursuit of the truth and trying to figure out exactly what transpired here. but i think the notion will be with completely put to the side, the type of precedent that it could potentially set in the minds of the american people. again, america, more than just words on paper, our promise that we make to our citizens in the world, i think it's an issue to not take lightly. >> john? >> the very constitution that trump wanted to suspend will protect him. but attorney-client privilege is sacred. we'll have high talks to me, i do want anybody to know about them, i want them to be candid. but the crime fraud exception, which means you cannot use attorney client privilege to perpetrate a crime or a fraud, and in a rare case where judge finds that that's the case, then it's pierced. and the notes, the conversations can be told to the grand jury but one important thing for not to the side of, that testimony could just as likely exonerate the president as it could convict him. like the watergate tapes.
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they could've cleared president nixon as well as incriminating. >> how in this case couldn't exonerate donald trump? >> if the president says, which is -- he's allowed to do to his lawyer, hey look, what are my options? and if the lawyer says, well mister president, you are the executive branch, we have all sorts of powers, you can declassify. he has what's called an advice of counsel defense. he doesn't have the criminal intent that you need to cram it a crime. on the other, hand if those notes reveal, hey, mister president, once you have a subpoena, you're not above the law, like everyone else in this country, you must turn over everything. well then there is a case there which, if jack smith recommends you go on that case, i don't think the attorney general is going to overrule that recommendation. >> all right, friends, thank you for all the information and expertise. really glad to have this conversation. next, senator tim scott is -- diving into the presidential candidate. pull our panels thoughts on that, next.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> senator tim scott kicking off his presidential campaign today, taking aim at what he calls the radical left. >> joe biden and the radical left are attacking every single wrong of the ladder to help me climb. and that is why i am announcing today --
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[screaming] that i am running for president of the united states! of america! [applause] >> my panel is back with me. also joining us is caroline mayo, former editor and chief of evening magazine. so, i listened to his announcement speech, we will play more of it later, it sounds like he's running as alternative to donald trump. if you like the conservative policies but you don't want the baggage. how do you see it? >> perhaps. i mean, i think he's a decent guy which makes them an outlier. at this point. but when someone says that they are going to go from cotton to congress, that's cringe-y! this piece about him that for me -- i'm not a black republican, you can talk to the black republican at the table and get his take, but i have to say trading on the thing that you say don't trade on is fraudulent. this is what the race car is.
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so when you come out and you make the case about how poor, how much poverty, your single mother -- >> why can't it be his life story? >> that is his life story. but he traffics said, that he trades in it. it's the beginning and the end, it's how he is known. but don't call a thing a thing, don't name a thing by its name. i think that's what the big problem is most times when, certainly, black people in mass are critical of black republicans. specifically, many times it has to do with not the politics, but the unwillingness to name white supremacy. the unwillingness to name the legacy that created the cotton situation. we can talk about congress, but why don't we talk about the cotton? where are your politics, where was legislation, where is he when it comes to the books that are being banned, to the abortions -- when we talk about him in this kind of hopeful, optimistic
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state -- if i need an abortion tomorrow in south carolina, i don't feel very optimistic. so there are some fundamental issues that i have with him, although he seems like a lovely person. >> joe? >> look, i think obviously we start off by recognizing that president trump has a stranglehold on the base. we start off with the realization that the poll numbers indicate that most people don't have a snow ball chance in securing -- >> it's the early days. >> i think it's far from your typical primary proceeding. so when you look at where they have to, go either with ron desantis close of 30 point national gap. a state by state basis, many people are lacking. if you're talking specifically about tim scott, i think, again, he has tried to thread this needle. i would remind people that he had put forth a justice act, the democrats merely dismissed it. i'll remind people that he has tried to talk about his own
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experiences as a black man being a member of the united states senate, being called on tv everything but a child of god. one person saying that he would be the slave that harriet tubman left behind on the major railroad -- >> who said? that >> different network -- >> i just wanted to make sure that it wasn't twitter -- >> no, no. >> look, i'll say this. at the end of the day, there is such a thing as can a man meet the moment? i think but gets left off is the third aim, which is the message. and sometimes you can have a man who is right for the moment, and the message that is not right for the moment. and making this particular time, when we have such divisive fist to fist ups international body of politics, i don't know if there is a lane for him to win the nomination, and i don't know if there's enough oxygen in the room for us to have that kind of conversation. but i do think, to your point,
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look, we listen to barack obama talking about we don't have a right america, or black america. we have the united states of america. whether retaking about -- or barack obama that hands and pick cotton, who had picked this election. i don't think it's the actual message, it is the legacy of the party some people have a difficult time wrestling with which makes the messenger dead on arrival but to the main point, it is the man, the moment, but also the message and how all those three things work together. >> sarah? >> i think it's interesting how donald trump welcomed him into the race. he sort of very warmly welcomed him into it and then trash ron desantis again. so he doesn't seem as a threat. >> does he seem as a possible running mate? >> i mean -- i don't know -- [inaudible] >> welcoming message -- >> it's a potential. he's leaving it as an opening.
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i don't think is decided anything at this point. but it's certainly someone who's not threatening to donald trump. he would like to have that as an option. he would certainly be a way for him to sort of wyden, maybe broaden his appeal which was burned. >> i would behoove president trump if he is the nominates a pick of women. he needs to pick a woman. the biggest problem the republicans are going to have up and down the ballot, particularly as it relates to the proliferation of some of the laws that we've seen across the country relating to abortion, is with women, suburban women in particular. so if we're looking at the trench here, yes, we are trending towards republican party. certainly black women are stepping aside and waiting that out. but certainly we see movement with black men. that's not going to be why president trump gets reelected. that's not gonna be why the republican nominee gets elected as the 47th president. it will happen if we find more oxygen with female voters. >> here's to joe's point,
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donald trump did better, john, with black voters in 2020 than he did in 2016. and when you compare and to other republicans -- republican candidates, for instance matrimony got 6% of black voters to donald trump's 12 in 2020. john mccain got 4%. george w. bush got 11%. let's listen to a little bit more of what tim scott said today in his announcement. >> that's why i'm the candidate of far-left fears the most. [applause] you see, when i cut your taxes, they call me a prop. when i refunded the police, they called me a token. when i pushed back on president biden, they even called me the n-word. i disrupt their narrative.
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i threaten their control. the truth of my life disrupts their lives. >> your thoughts? >> so confusing. i mean when you start with he is the most definitely outlier because he's the single black member of the u.s. senate who could run for president, but when you look at listen to his message between the visual cues on the words him invoking the cadence at one point of martin luther king day. talking about whether it's going to be grievance or greatness, talking about the republican party, the complainers who make america great again. at the same time, he's talking about a party who, foreign away, according to polls, favors a guy who is literally having dinners at mar-a-lago with an avowed white supremacist who's pushing the proud boys, whose friends with the oath keepers, we so you're looking at this event today and you are literally trying to figure out
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who's talking and what's going on. it will take as mr. pinion said, it will take some message decoding for people or could just turn into an alibi for donald trump as a running mate. >> thank you all, very great to get all your perspectives. all right, next, the man charged in the subway chokehold death of jordan neely speaking out. he says he would do it over again.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> the man charged with second degree manslaughter in the chokehold death of jordan neely on the new york subway speaking. out he told the new york post that the decision was not racial, he decided to put him in a chokehold. he said, quote, i had nothing to do with race. i would judge people on their character, i'm not a white supremacist, i mean, it's a little comical. everyone who's ever met me i love all people, i love all cultures. you can tell by my past and on my travels and adventures around the world. i was actually planning a road trip through africa before this
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happened. i'm back with my panel. okay, sarah, your thoughts on listening to him speaking out publicly enchanted defend himself. >> my first impression of that was that you are not serving your client well by giving this interview to the new york post. if you want your client to get a full hearing, you go to cnn, you go to the new york times, you go to the washington post. the new york post is i think what you choose when you want to play into the culture war. what this case has become. you're trying to turn him -- are relatively i think naive person, into a sort of totem against -- in a fake race for about this case, it's just a tragic case of someone being killed on the subway. and i don't think that his attorneys are naive. and i think they know what they're doing. and i think that was giving this interview to the new york
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post of all places spoke volumes. >> it's interesting because you said he's a fairly nice person. and i think the reason why you're saying that is he said he doesn't watch tv, he's not on social media, he doesn't have his -- a pulse on some of this is what you're trying to say, i think. >> he doesn't know who knew welshtown is, he said he was going to go on a road trip through africa before this started. it's not someone who's plugged into the current conversation about what's happening around him. >> here's what his attorney said regarding the incident itself. denny was protecting himself and everyone on the train, but what gets lost is that at the time he acted to defend those people, he put his own life and well-being on the line. he had no way of knowing if he was gonna be hurt or killed. he heard -- above his own, it didn't matter what race or religion, he acted to protect them all. that's his attorney. i guess we just don't have enough information. >> we don't. it's certainly too early to presume he is naive. i don't know how we fully base that on. what we do know is that an
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unarmed black man was in a chokehold for 15 minutes from behind. and it just reeks of this kind of extrajudicial killing that happens whenever white people feel like they have to be a hero and saved the day. we don't know. we will find out, theoretically, once this trial happens. what really happened. but for anyone who's been on the subway in new york, i grew up here my whole life and took the train since i was ten years old, there's always that guy. there's always a michael jackson impersonator. there's always someone who is off. i'm not saying that this person wasn't threatening in any way, but there are so many options that most new yorkers make, millions of us make every single day, when we encounter someone who is off on the subway. so this was a leap that this guy made. this is someone who's coming from the marines. this is someone who, according to the new york post, lives in
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long island and serves -- i can -- not to profile, but to profile, i can tell you that this is shady. >> what do you mean? you mean that -- what is? shady >> because there is a new york post long island, surfer person who actually does see that person as a black person. i really do wonder, what this person's faith be the same if they weren't in a black body? we'll never know the answer. it's just me as a black person, i have to ask that question. it doesn't feel right. it doesn't add up. >> here's what jordan neely's family says about this attorney statement. quote, this is an advertisement to soften the public's view of daniel penny who choked jordan neely to death. we never called him a write preset supremacist, we called him a killer. we don't care how many vacations he's been on. we want to know why he didn't let go of that chokehold until jordan was dead. john, that seems like the most
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pertinent question. why was he in the chokehold for so long? >> well, so far we don't know how long it was because no one has that time. >> 15 minutes, was it a 15 minute videotape? why do we think it is 15 minutes? >> the videotape starts at the minute, and the videotapes gets about four minutes of this. but what we don't have an accurate time about was how long before the videotape -- the videotape starts outside the train through the window and then comes in and runs for the part of it that the person with a camera recorded. so there is the timepiece. but i think there is also the -- irrelevant to the timepiece witches in a world where -- i'm reflecting on his statements about, i'm not on social media, i don't pay -- you have to be living under a rock not to have seen the george floyd's death, which was entirely on videotape for to be
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a new yorker who is unfamiliar with eric garner who is in a chokehold for far fewer minutes than george floyd or in this case, to understand that people can die from that. the flipside is, as a marine, he was trained in using a chokehold to render people unconscious. so we have to figure out from him and testimony later would affect training had in it, but he thought was going to happen. but the new york post article, i agree was to soften his image. calculated. i don't think it was a giant miscalculation by going to the post because, when you calculate, is if only the post has it, all the other media outlets will use the things that the post used. the new york times, you might have a very different approach to the same story. maybe much less friendly. but clearly what they're anticipating is our clients is going before people in front of a grand jury at some point, and we would want them to meet him
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earlier in the light we can cast. >> just to note that the trip to africa means nothing. why mention it? >> i just think, again, one, i understand why the nearly family is frustrated. jordan neely has become political football. that we have members of congress dreaming about lynching before we'd even known the name of these silent. so i think, yes, cooler heads need to prevail. he has a right to try to defend himself, to try to say that i am not the hateful person that -- neely's family didn't say that, but other voices said that. you can't ignore the racial component, the legacy of race is in this. the fact that new york city has this component from the case that we saw with eric garner, from the cases that we've seen all across this country. so yes, these are all things to consider. but at the end of the day, this is going to come down to the letter of the law. was the whole justified for the length of time, which to your
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point, we still don't know the full length of time at the structure. >> thank you very much. next, we're shifting gears. what's up with our teenagers today? they're less likely to drink, or have sex, there are also less likely to have their drivers licenses and pay. job is all this good or bad? my panel debates this, next. feeling sluggish or weighed down? could be a sign that your digestive system isn't at its best. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gelso trap and remove theaste that weighs you down
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> good. we'll talk about. it montana latest state to tighten social media restrictions. the state's governor signing a bill that completely bans tiktok. tiktok is now suing montana. what is social media doing two children and teenagers? is it postponing them growing up? cnn's doctor sanjay gupta
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recently spoke with a psychologist and author who said that today's 12th graders are more like eighth graders from previous generations. my panel is back with me. john miller -- let me just tell you what's happening here. so today's teenagers are less likely to get the drivers licenses, why bother? they can take uber, they don't need it. they don't need -- their just likely to go with their friends, they're less likely to drink alcohol and have sex. they're less likely to have a paying job. is this good or bad that they're delayed in these things than previous generations of teenagers were not? >> clearly going to in a handbasket. but i think you touched on it which is, i couldn't wait to get my drivers license. all my friends in high school, on the stroke of midnight of the birthday, drove to a dmv office to wait for the lights to come on. but you know, right everyone's writing an e-bike. now everybody's got uber. city kids, particularly in
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manhattan and queens, they hardly ever get around to a car because they've been riding the subways since they can walk. >> there's something about independents. there's something about independents whether or not these kids are sort of fully launching -- for >> there is all the other shifts. they're not drinking, are they smoking weed? are they getting mixed messages that it's legal? >> i have the answer -- >> is it acceptable? >> here you go, this is just from ten years ago. having sex, ten years ago, 47% of high school students reported yes. now, ten years later, 2020, one 30%. currently sexually active. 34% in 2011, currently -- 39%, in 2011. 23%, ten years later, currently using marijuana. 23% back, then 16% now. never used illicit drugs. we 19 back, then 13%. now >> it's not switching alternatives, it's a downturn. >> it's because gathering spaces are virtual. the places where we meet now
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are not physical. you can't have sex if we're not in the same room, it's hard to smoke a joint and pass it if we're not together. so i think it speaks for a lot of what we are seeing here. >> is it good or bad? >> we're talking about this earlier. i do think that kind of arrested development is for not bad. it's not a positive, not to be independent, not to crave independents, not to test independents. i think anita raider -- a 12th grader whose functioning like an eighth grader socially has some growing up to do. and then there's life that's gonna kick you in real fast. and you don't want certain experiences to be the first time they have been at college where you have fully grown adults and other people -- i agree with what you were saying earlier, high school is the place to work up the case. and it's unfortunately that children aren't able to do it as much. of course, we don't want them -- >> obviously -- >> i'm not saying -- [inaudible]
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>> in college, they're on their own. you have teenagers are younger, sarah? >> ten and 14. >> cloths? >> my thought is that the important detail here is that there's these huge rates of depression and anxiety among teenagers. and especially we've all been reading the same cdc stats about that among girls. i have two girls. it would be fine if they were deciding to be clean living and walking everywhere and instead of getting in a car and happy. but it's not. it's sort of this overlay of living on your screen, watching everybody else who is doing everything more interestingly than you are, on a better vacation, has more friends, all that kind of stuff that sort of -- the negative feedback loop. i feel like i walk through lots of clouds of weed in my neighborhood, and i feel like a lot of kids are smoking. i don't know
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kids or adults? >> well i think that, i worked in nonprofit health care for about ten years we had a grant program to give children more access to resources to be able to pay for college because we found that, yes, kids might be choosing the school that we thought was great but in reality they're only choosing it because they could not afford the winter coats. so kids from the outside can look like they're making all the right decisions of for the wrong reasons. so when we ask ourselves, why are all these numbers going down? they are having less x y? these more more of them do not want to have children, do not see the point in having children. >> is that what teenagers are thinking's portrait ecms and thirtysomethings? >> i think to your point, what is up? depression is up, isolation is off, the epidemic of loneliness is sweeping across the nation. so yes, some numbers that we previously thought would be greater stretch of their
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happiness is down, but there are new emerging threat to their happiness, to the well-being, and not just their well-being but the country that are the unaddressed residual residue of what happens in a second decade of a tech revolution which we have not addressed. >> i'm sorry go ahead. >> do your point, also, again, the people who make the technology they're listening asking for less screen time for their own children. >> look at the irony of this, they have all these devices, they are surrounded by them all day, they are in touch with everybody, and this is when loneliness is increasing? this is where bullying has been redefined, not being punched in the face, but being taken out of this lock or excluded from a group or talked about in front of a mass audience. it is very different. >> and troubling certainly to be living your life on social media instead of somebody's basement.
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. >> the idea that the kind of conversation, they say i will text. >> think you friends, very much much more to talk about that. meanwhile, in a generated fake image that seemed to show an explosion at the pentagon. appeared on multiple verified twitter accounts. it sparked a brief dip in the stock market. it was not true. it just did not happen. is this what the future of a.i. holds? that's next ♪ ♪ ♪ get 2.9% apr for 36 months plus $1,500 purchase allowance on an xt5 and xt6 when you finance through cadillac financial. ♪
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associated with bloomberg news, and then add the confusion, many of the house tweeting that this image had a verified blue check, mark but those can now be bought with a monthly payment. so this was an image of an explosion, or a fire at the pentagon. and then the stock market took a brief dip, moments after this a fake image, let me be clear, fake circulating on twitter. it even made its way on air at a major indian tv network which eventually retracted that report. i'm back with sir ellison and john miller. everything with ensuring about a.i., or deepfakes or whatever it is happening. it's already here. we thought it would be in the future or the near future, no, it is happening right now and anybody can make these and they show up on news counts. >> it just happened, that is exactly right. i mean, i think that that is why. it is a call for human intelligence, for people who are going to be able to vet images. it goes against everything that we've been living, in which is
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a news cycle that response immediately. obviously this is something that you cannot tell the difference if you're seeing something on twitter. we talk all the time about social media platforms. every story is flattened. you cannot tell where it comes from or who is producing. it this is a perfect case in point. >> if we have to rely on critical thinking, we're in trouble. >> this harkens back to the old chicago city new service model, which is that if your mother says she loves, you check it out. what fooled us here or some of the things that news media synapses fire, on which is, okay it's on twitter everybody reacts. but where on twitter? it is coming from reuters or bloomberg or something, it's coming from bloomberg, but it is a verified twitter account. so verified, none of this stuff means anything anymore because elon musk got rid of most of those blue checks that say verified. it was not a real bloomberg account, so all of the things
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that gave people comfort, which is that there's probably something here, a close look at this photograph tells you that that is not even the pentagon, but the spread of these things is faster than in the time it takes to check it out. here at cnn, and you know, i often complain and tangle with these people, we have a very rigorous system -- >> of vetting process, yes we do. before anything goes on. here >> in this case that is our friend. >> absolutely, and i think it is going to be up to us to educate people that you have to go to a new source that has a vetting process, because it is now the wild west. it's always been the wild west, but truly on twitter now, you cannot distinguish. >> the fear that i have about an a.i. generated image is that people literally cannot believe what you see and people already are suffering from a massive crisis of trust in institutions, certainly in media, and this is
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the kind of moment where people will throw up their hands and say that you cannot trust anything, nothing matters. and it is painful to be a member of the news media and hear that already. this is just going to exacerbate that. >> the extension of that, which is that we are going into the political season where the deepfakes by political tricksters, but forget them, by foreign governments who we have seen dabble in election fraud before, are going to be out there and then, in cases where we legitimate news media uncover some scandal, some tape, some moment caught on video, the first thing the offender is going to say when it is real is that that is a deep fake, it is a, it is a fraud. so we're going through a very confusing time. >> yes we are and it's up to us to continue to educate about what our vetting process is and what the real rulers. thank you very much. coming up, some of our favorite reporters are here to talk about the stories that what they're working on for tomorrow, including the talks between
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